Life: Apply Liberally

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Friday, March 05, 2004

Some Texans Boycott Girl Scout Cookies

CRAWFORD, Texas (March 3) - Some families are boycotting Thin Mints and Do-Si-Dos and other Girl Scout cookies. Troop 7527 is down to just two members after the other girls were withdrawn by their parents. And Brownie Troop 7087 is no more.
Why are folks in this conservative Texas town where President Bush has his ranch so mad the Girl Scout organization?
Planned Parenthood and sex education.

Oh Texas people, don't you know selling Girl Scout Cookies IS birth control? Think about those cookie sales and all the time and effort they require...any girl in America could not possibly keep up with orders, collections, distribution AND an active sex life! Okay, I'm kidding.
But apparently we think we're doing quite well around Crawford, Texas without Planned Parenthood.
Hmmm...I wonder what the stats would tell us about that....
In 2002, 659 women in McClennan County, Texas (county in which Crawford resides*) had abortions---112 of them under 20 years old and 4 under 15
1078 unmarried women gave birth (looks like these folks haven't fully bought into W's views on marriage)
261 teenagers gave birth
McClennan county ranks 6th in the nation for percentage of teen births...that's 6th highest out of 3,066 counties in the whole U.S.**

I guess that Girl Scout sex ed wasn't helping.

Well, hey--just in case you Crawford moms want to keep selling cookies out of that new and improved organization for girls you're cooking up, try this time-honored, foolproof recipe:
Mix 1/2 c Lard and 1/2 c Butter until creamy. Mix in some flour, brown sugar, white sugar, eggs, vanilla, and baking soda. Work this over until it is thoroughly mixed, then blend in more flour. Add about 3/4 of a bag of chocolate chips, mix it all up, and bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.
Remove cookies from oven and let cool.
Place cooled cookie between teenage daughter's knees and be sure she keeps it there until marriage.

*Yes, I know...Crawford is one small town in a county that includes Waco, Tx. It's gotta be those wild and crazy Waco girls skewing the figures!
**Source: 2002 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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